
Title (as given to the record by the creator):  Resources
Date(s) of creation:  Issue 4: October 1995
Creator / author / publisher: FaT GiRL
Physical description:
Five zine pages with text , ads and a few small drawings
Reference #: FG4-062-066-Resources
 [ PDF ]



Reviews by Max Airborne & Candida Albicans 

We only list things we’ve received since the last issue of FaT GiRL or things with updated contact information. For more extensive Media Feast listings, get your hands on back issues of FaT GiRL. Send us your published work (book, zine, mag, tape, CD, video, CD-ROM, whatevah) for listing in this section. 

Books, Mags & Zines 

Allright (#2) is a truly brilliant comic by Charlotte Cooper & Simon Murphy. It has lots of fat-positive & queer-positive content, as well as great wacky stories and blurbs. There’s the adventures of Ms. Sadie Mae, memories of the 70s, the A-Z of hate, and much more. These two put out a bunch of cool comics. Send ’em a few bucks (cash) and see what it gets you! Charlotte Cooper & Simon Murphy, 33 Romford Road, Stratford, London E15 4LY, England. [MA] 

[image description: A drawing excerpted from the comic Allright by Charlotte Cooper and Simon Murphy. “Sadie Mae Fact File. No. 2: SADIE HATES MEN!” Drawing of a fat woman wearing a shirt that says “Madwomon 1999.” Her eyebrows are angry, her mouth is open, and her hands are above her head, holding a scissors that’s dripping blood and a severed penis. The artists signature is in the lower left corner: “CC-SM-8/93”]

Amazine is the zine of the Amazon Girlz, a group of teenage dykes. Issue #2 has comics, reviews of dyke punk bands and movies, astrology, some personal rants, and my favorite: the Slut Smut pull-out section. $2 to Amazine, PO Box 720191, Sanjose, CA 95172. [MA] 

Artistic Licentiousness (#1 & #2) is Roberta Gregory’s steamy sex comic. Her tales bring together many genders, species, and body types. I love the combi­nation of fantasy and reality she creates in her scenarios, bringing the word “sexy” to entirely new dimensions. It makes me happy to read sexy tales that aren’t pretty. I mean, really. $3 each plus a signed age statement (over 18) to Roberta Gregory, PO Box 27438, Seattle, WA 98125. [MA] 

conmoción #2, the erotica issue. This incredible latina dyke mag is packed with tons of great writing and art about all kinds of dyke sex, interspersed with hon­est personal and political discussion about sexual issues. There’s even some really hot photos of galz on the chunky side having breakfast! Plus reviews, poet­ry, and an international list of latina les­bian/gay organizations. $5/sample, $17 /year for individuals, $30/year for organizations to conmocion, 1521 Alton Rd., #336, Miami Beach, FL 33139. [MA] 

[Image description: Display ad in a square box: “it’s a latina lesbian thing. Conmoción – a latina lesbian magazine with a global revolutionary twist: activismo • erótica • identidad • Interviews • cuentos • international news • poesía • fresh commentary • lusty love letters.
In spanish, inglés and spanglish. $13/year for individuals $23/year for organizations  $4/sample. Conmoción, 1521 Alton Rd. #336, Miami Beach, FL 33139, 305-XXX-XXXX. 100% LATINA LESBIAN VISION”]

Deneuve, June issue (1994). Finally, I opened up the pages of Deneuve and saw a fat woman. Or at least, as the spread progressed, plump. Check out the babe on the motorcycle, and feel free to write into Deneuve telling them how you want to see even more. $3.95 to Deneuve, 2336 Market St. # 15, San Francisco, CA 94114. [CA] 

Fat News is the newsletter of the London-based Fat Women’s Group. It’s a fascinating peek at fat women’s lives outside of my American bubble. I appre­ciate the dichotomy I found in the last issue: on one page is a review of two nov­els that complains, “There are some sex scenes where the descriptions of S&M acts borders on the pornographic,” and then flip the page over to find a review of FaT GiRL that’s all praise, but warns readers to put aside their charming English reserve before they check it out. Most issues have great comics by Lee Kennedy, too. Send ’em the equivalent of $3 for a subscription, or something to trade. Fat News, c/o the Fat Womens Group, Wesley House,Wild Ct., London WC2B 5AU, England. [MA] 

Funny That Way, Issue Zero, Summer 1995. The premiere issue of this queerzine was entirely pro­duced by minors, with all submis­sions written by people under 21. This is a fierce, bold missive of anger and lust; can’t wait to see more by Marcos Ramirez (“to the young straight white man who told me i was melodramatic”) ­one of the most moving contem­porary poets I’ve read in months – and Yvette Gomez, the dapper young butch whom some of us had the pleasure of meeting while co-performing on the Joan Jett Blakk show. Funny That Way is well-produced, and is closely affiliated with the young theatre performance troupe, the Drama Divas, fostered under the care of Cherrie Moraga and Brava! for Women in the Arts. This zine is a testament to the courage of young out queers everywhere, and also lists and reviews local crisis ser­vices for youths. Get a copy for yourself, or send it to a young queer friend in need (I wish I had a copy at 18!); it just might be the isolated, angst-ridden homo’s sal­vation. Twinks rule! $2.50/issue to: Funny That Way, c/o Brava, 2180 Bryant St., San Francisco, CA 941 JO. [CA] 

Lezzie Smut, Winter and Summer issues, 1995. One of my favorite queerzines (just because they’re so silly and nerdy about their smut) just got bet­ter…the past two issues of this Vancouver-based zine have featured sexy fat naked women doing kinky things and being *done*. Mind you, the majority of women in the photos are on the young and small side; but it’s nice to see that L.S. is not just a zine for or about skinny girls. I’ll say no more, you should check it out for yourself. $ 5 for a trial issue,$24 for 4. Hey Grrrlz! Productions, 364-1027 Davie St., Vancouver, BC V6E 4L2 CANADA [CA]

LFAN (Lesbian Fat Activist Network) has a great monthly newsletter. To receive it for a year, send a $20 check or money order made out to Wendy Fydenkevez ($5-10 low income) to: LFAN, PO Box 635, Woodstock, NY 12498. [MA] 

Living Large is an apa (amateur press association) for folks who want to talk about fat issues. In order to subscribe you must contribute (2 pages every other issue). Part of the idea is that the contrib­utors get to know one another by inter­acting through writing in the zine. It’s like a big ongoing conversation (plus more). Living Large is currently open to new mem­bers. For a sample issue, send $5 to Kathleen Madigan, PO Box 1006, Elgin, IL 60121. [MA] 

Mousie is a zine dedicated to talking about racism in the queer world, interracial politics and desire. Issue #6 (or is it 7?) has a bunch of great comics, in-depth zine reviews, thoughts from OutWrite ’95, and letters that discuss racism. The next issue is about racism and sex. $2 to Anna Rampage, Box 440478, Somerville, MA 02144. [MA]

Nimble Fingers. Marva never disappoints. ­This one’s got all kinds of goodies: a great tale of a high-school prank, the best reasons to be a lesbian, tips on determining your figure type, and more. $1 to Marva Holmes, 300 Queen Anne Ave. N, Suite #250, Seattle, WA 98109-4599. [MA]

Nothing to Lose is the monthly one-page newsletter of FLAB, New York’s Fat Lesbian Action Brigade. Send them a dona­tion and ask for a copy of their FLAB Manifesto, which includes the Fat Dyke ABCs and a long-needed list of demands. Gail Horowitz, 225C King St., Princeton, NJ 08540. [MA] 

Pasty #4: The HATRED Issue. Sarah­Katherine is at it again, and this time she’s on the rampage about everything from teen­sy-tiny-too-small condoms to things she hates about summer, body parts that disgust her, and her evil housemate: “In short: slim, chick, privileged, WASP princess Jan was complaining to me-fat, poor, blue-collar me-about the women that she worked with, any one of whom could be a double for myself or a member of my family. I was being blatantly insulted by a blithe, chatty, totally oblivious foe. It was a magic moment.” Also includes zine reviews and Menarche Hell. $1 + 2 stamps/trade to Pasty, c/o Sarah-Katherine, 6201 15th Avenue NW, #P-549, Seattle, WA 98107. [CA]

San Francisco Bay Area NAAFA puts out a monthly newsletter with news and articles about fat issues, as well as local event listings. The June issue had a great article by Francis White called “the Medicalization of Obesity.” $15 for a year to SF-BA NAAFA, PO Box 9767, Berkeley, CA 94709. [MA]

Sourpuss makes my day. Its creator Sara is a brilliant teenage fat girl with tons to say (and she appeared recently on Oprah wearing a “fat girls rule” sticker!). My fave stuff from the three issues she sent me: #5 has rants about Rikki Lake and alienation from the cool people; #7 has rants about ugliness and attitudes toward fat; and #8 has rants about piggy power saving the world from assholes who diss people for being fat, stupid stereotypes, and high-school homo-haters. No price listed, but a buck should do the trick. Sourpuss, 330 Ophelia St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213. [MA]

Top? is the latest zine from fat dyke Judy Ricardi. It’s got stuff on grrrl bands, sexual abuse, getting mistaken for a guy, a girl’s first dyke sexual experiences, self­inflicted violence, and great per­sonal poetry. Honest and raw. Ask Judy about her other zines, too. $2 or stamps or equal trade to Judy Ricardi, 79 West St. #4F, Worcester, MA 01609. [MA]

Venus Envy #1 is M@CE’s illus­trated testimony of life as a young fat woman, through her self-hatred to the realization that in trying to “cure” herself she was “punishing [her] mind and body as it had been by others … Fighting the pain of a never ending battle … Do you realize how many of us have lost the battle?!” She’s also included a fact list from the Beauty Myth, a few poems, and a cartoon tale about self-defense. 2 stamps or trade to M@CE, 3520 1st Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55408. [MA]

[image description: a drawing from Venus Envy, by M@ce, depicting a naked fat white person with their finger turning on a light. Text around them says, “Another morning in the cold floored bathroom… The first eye stinging light in the morn… The first glance at the sleep ridden body in the mirror… Unfortunately for me the latter means —”]

Films & Videos 

Go see Angus! It’s a mainstream movie with big stars about a strong, smart, fat kid who doesn’t take any shit from the creeps who torment him. Not that he’s some kind of super fat hero (like Fat Girl!) – Angus is a multifaceted character complete with honest anxiety and frustration about being fat. Plus, the supposedly perfect blonde cheerleader that everyone lusts after turns out to be a real person with her own anxiety about her body. It’s really funny, too, and made me & Barb weep! You know a film this good won’t stay around for long, so go see it now! —Laura 

Mara Nesbitt makes individual yoga ­stretch videos for fat people. “At 400 lbs, I know what’s possible for people of size, and the yoga positions have been modified to suit our needs. All levels of mobility are consid­ered, and you need never have done yoga before to benefit. The emphasis is on stretch­ing, breathing and relaxing. The goals are to become more flexible and pain-free in a safe manner, to reconnect with your body and learn to enjoy it, and to learn relaxation and breathing techniques to help you with stress. They run about 45 min., are not done in a TV studio, but will give you a good idea of how to move your body in a pleasurable and freeing manner. Each video is custom made.” $50 plus a few bucks for s/h to Mara Nesbitt, PO Box 19141; Portland OR 97219. 

Nothing to Lose is Fat Lip’s video of fifteen fat, feisty women speaking, acting, and singing about being fat in America in the 90’s. The message is fat positive and chal­lenges the diet-obessed, fat-hating culture we live in. $22.00 plus $3.00 shipping and han­dling from Fat Lip Readers Theatre, P. 0. Box 29963, Oakland CA 94604. 

[image description: A small display ad that reads: “The Butt Project. I want to shoot yer butt (movies, that is). Be a part of the ever expanding butt project, a montage of bootie where you decide how your butt will be seen. Women only. Must limit to bay area, my jet is in the shop. K. (415) XXX-XXXX.”]
[image description: A display ad: “OLD WIVES’ TALES, San Francisco’s collectively run, non-profit feminist bookstore 1-800-821-4675 Hours Mon-Sat 11-7pm, Sun 1•6pm 1009 Valencia St. San Francisco CA 94110”]


East Coast US 

Big Beautiful Lesbians is a support group for fat lesbians in Washington, DC. For more info contact Michae!le at (202) 863- 0862. 

Fat is a Lesbian Issue is a New York-based, fat-positive, anti-diet discussion group that helps queer women learn to accept their bod­ies at any size. They meet monthly to talk 

about food, clothing, healthcare, sex, exer­cise, self-esteem and other issues that impact fat lesbians and bi women. They meet on the 2nd Sunday of every month at the Lesbian and Gay Communiry Services Center, 208 W. 13th St., in Manhattan. For more info. call Gail and Shira: (609) 924-9321 or email amy

FLAB, the Fat Lesbian Action Brigade, is a New York-based activist group that fights for the visibility of fat lesbians within the queer community, the fat-acceptance move­ment and the world at large; works to dis­credit and destroy the multi-billion dollar weight-loss industry that threatens our sur­vival; and celebrates the beauty and sexiness of fat women. See Fat is a Lesbian Issue above for meeting times and contact info. 

Midwest US 

SAFFO, Sisters Are Fighting Fat Oppression, is looking for fat-positive, les/bi/trans women-positive women based in the Minneapolis/St.Paul area dedicated to arming fat women with pride and disman­tling diet CULTure, fatphobia/hatred, and thin privilege. For more info, contact wendy (do UYW) at 244 Coffman Union, 300 Washington Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Phone: (612) 625-0607. Fax: (612)625-9161, email·

The Venus Group is a social group in Southeastern Michigan for big women who want to reclaim the fat female form as love goddess. They meet monthly. For info con­tact Heather at (313) 480-7080. 

[image description: a business card ad. Text says:  “At last! Fat Positive Bodywork! Intuitive, integrative massage to celebrate the body. Swedish/Esalen. Acupressure. $35/hr. $50/1-1/2 hr. $65/2 hr. Elena Escalera C.M.T. 510-559-9326” A small minimalist drawing of a fat body with a radiating heart.] [image description: a business card ad. Text says: “America’s Largest Goy & Lesbian Bookseller. A DIFFERENT LIGHT BOOKSTORE ISi West 19th St., New York, NY 10011, 212-989-4850, 489 Castro Street, San Francisco, CA 94114, 415-431-0891, 8853 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90069, 310-854-6601. Stores Open Daily 10 am to Midnight. 15,000 New and Classic Titles Available. Cards, Calendars, Videos, Music, Lesbian/Gay Periodicals. Books by Mail / Mail Order Catalog 1-800-343-0002”]

West Coast US 

The Body Image Task Force is a task-ori­ented group in Santa Cruz that fights size discrimination and looksism and promotes positive body image for all sizes through events, workshops, actions, and public speak­ing to raise awareness of body-image issues. They need volunteers and student interns. Contact them at PO Box 934, Santa Cruz, CA 95061, (408) 457-4838. 

FaT GiRL is looking for volunteers, especial­ly in the area of ad sales and distribution. Contact us at (415) 567-6757. 

Fat Lip Readers Theater is a women’s per­formance collective in the San Francisco Bay area that has been creating and perform­ing work from a fat liberation perspective for more than a decade. To get on the mailing list, submit work, or inquire about member­ship, contact Fat Lip, PO Box, 29963, Oakland, CA 94604. 

Girth & Mirth can tell you what’s happen­ing in the fat men’s movement. 176-B Page St., San Francisco, CA 94102, live info: (415) 824-0260, events line: (415) 552-1143.

Lesbians of Size (LesbOS) is forming in Portland, OR for the empowerment of fat lesbians. Call Gail at (503) 233-1816 

Making Waves is a supportive recreational swim for women over 200 lbs, every Sunday from 11 am – 1 pm in the east bay. The first Sunday of each month is Friend Swim for women of all sizes. Swim fee is $3 – $5 slid­ing scale. For info. call Linda at (510) 524- 6470. 

Sisters of Size is a Seattle group for fat dykes. Begun in 1987, the group meets at least twice a month – once to go swimming and once for a focus night of discussion, watching relevant videos, networking, potluck, etc. They also eat in restaurants together, go bowling, kite flying, camping, and have picnics, bonfires on the beach, and parties. They try to have a float in the Gay Pride Parade and participate in No Diet Day activities. Many friendships have been made through the group. For info, contact Martha at (206)789-1267. 

Susan Stinson will be reading in the bay area from her new book Martha Moody (reviewed on page 23) at these places: 11/3 (7 pm) at Two Sisters in Menlo Park, 11/5 at A Different Light in SF, 11/5 (3 pm) at 

Mama Bears in Berkeley, 11/9 (7:30 pm) at Old Wives Tales in SF (co-sponsored by FaT GiRL), 11/10 (7 pm) at Herland in Santa Cruz, and 11/11 at Boadecea’s in Berkeley. Call the stores for more info. 

Water Women is a Seattle-based low-inten­sity water exercise class for large and/or dif­ferently abled women and their supportive significant others. Wed & Sun 5:30 to 6:30, $3 per session, call Monica at 206-255-0473. 

Women of Width is a Bay area fat-positive women’s support group, based on the idea that women are healthy and beautiful at any size. The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month, 7:30 – 9:00 PM, at Two Sisters Bookstore, 605 Cambridge St., Menlo Park (unless otherwise stated). $2 is requested to help pay the room rental, but no one is turned away for lack of money. Upcoming meetings are: Oct. 10 is a discus­sion about affirmations, Oct. 24 is mask­making **Please call Diane at 408-254-3905 to reserve your materials**, Nov. 14 is a dis­cussion about food and eating, and Nov. 28 is a dinner outing. For more information call ( 415) 965-8416,

Hey, get more fat girls on t.v.! And learn more about production while you’re at it: Dyke TV is shown in various cities across the U.S. In San Francisco, it is on Viacom Channel 53, and coming soon to the East Bay. The planning meetings for local pro­duction are the first and third Mondays of the month at 8pm. Call 415-641-6254. 


The Fat Women’s Group is based in London. Write to them at Weslry House, Wild Court, London WC2B 5AU, UK 


Bringing down the “Community”? Seeking submissions for an anthology of writings by queer outcasts. Transgendered, sm, sex work­ers, perverts, fagdykes, dykefags, heterofreaks, drag queens, high femmes & stone butches, weirdos of all shapes sizes colors & sexual preferences, send your writ­ings to: Anthology, 251 14th St., San Francisco, CA 94103. Deadline: Nov. 30. 

The Council on Size & Weight Discrimination works to influence public policy and opinion in order to end oppres­sion based on discriminatory standards of body weight, size, or shape. Reach them at PO Box 305, Mount Marion, NY 12456 

Largesse, the Network for Size Esteem maintains a library of archival material on fat liberation dating back to the beginnings of the fat feminist movement in the early 1970’s, as well as a computer database cata­loguing resources in dozens of categories. They invite contributions, and offer free referrals, printouts from their database, and research assistance. Largesse, PO Box 9404, New Haven, CT 06534, (203) 787-1624 phone/fax (call weekdays between 12 and 8pm EST), email

 LFAN, the Lesbian Fat Activists Network, is an affinity group for size-friendly Lesbians of all sizes. Contact Laura Tisoncik, PO Box 635, Woodstock, NY 12498, email: 76473.214 


For those with access to the World Wide Web, check out FaT GiRL’s homepage at http://www. icsi.berkeley. edu/~polack/fg/. For anyone with internet access, there’s an email list for fat dykes (send an email message to with the body of the message: subscribe fatdykes There’s also Big Sistas, an email list for fat black women (for info send email to There are a couple sexism­positive dyke email lists with many fat dyke participants: kinky-girls, for women who do BDSM with other women, and boychicks, for butches and their supporters. (For info write to: In the body of the message, write: info kinky-girls or info boychicks.) For general lesbian stuff there’s the sappho email list (send email to with the body of the message as subscribe sappho There are also a couple of fat-related (mostly het) email lists: The big-folks list (subscribe by sending email to big-folks­ with the body of the message as subscribe and the fat-acceptance list (subscribe by sending email to, with the words subscribe fat-acceptance in the body of the message). News groups are: soc.women.lesbian-and-bi,,,, alt.personals.big-folks, alt.personals.fat and Folks into IRC check out the #big­folks channel on the undernet (/server davis. ca. us. undernet. org).


by Selena, Laurie Avocado & Elena Escalera 

The Ample Shopper 
PO Box 116, 
Bearsville, NY 12409 
This nifty catalog is a compendium of useful gadgets for fat people Small steering wheels to give you more room in the car. Blood pressure kits with cuffs to fit arms up to 26″ around. Extra-large towels. Seat-belt exten­ders. Personal bidets, sponges-on-sticks, and other personal hygiene items. Wide clothes ­hangers, socks for wide ankles, large-sized bangle bracelets, and fanny packs that will go all the way around you. Plus, fat-positive books and videos, including Amplestuff, Ltd.’s other publication, the Ample Shopper-a quarterly consumer newsletter for fat people. (I intend to subscribe, but so far can t tell you any more about it.) It’s pretty cool. Check it out. [S]

Banshee Designs (Briget Benton) 
923 SE 37th Ave. 
Portland, OR 97214 
I found a woman who makes the coolest silkscreened cotton clothes. Much easier on the thighs than lycra. The colors are incredible and the images are cel­ebrating women. And these gor­geous things come in sizes to 8X!!! I love her work. When I met her at a craft fair she said, “If l’m going to make clothes with goddesses on them, then I should make them to fit goddesses.” Call and bug her for a brochure. [EE] 

The Big the Bad and the Beautiful 
19225 Ventura Blvd. Tarzana, CA 91356 (818) 345-3593
They have some cool-looking, simple clothes at good prices, although a proud Fat Girl could wish for a more enlightened attitude from the proprietor, who describes herself in the catalog as a woman of ‘size and self­ esteem’, but also talks about how her clothes offset ‘problem areas’ and that when you wear them, your friends will say you look ‘thinner, more attractive.’ Oh well. A bigger problem with this catalog is that not every­thing on the separate price list is pictured in the accompanying catalog. The descriptions of the non-pictured clothes are intriguing, but it’s hard to buy clothes from a descrip­tion alone. I may order from them yet, though, because they have some stylin’ stuff. Tops run from $26 to $54. Pants from $26 for shorts to $52 for overalls. Skirts $36-$54. Dresses $42-$72. Jackets $68-$80. Sizes seem to vary from category to category, but in general things come sizes ranging from the equivalent of size 10 up to size 36 or 5X. Everything comes in 50/50 poly-cotton knit in various colors, most of which are not shown. They say they have other fabrics available. Call for styles and prices. Some accessories including large-size bangle bracelets. [S] 

Far and Wide 
This is a new explicitly fat-positive catalog out of Canada that includes a resource sec­tion in the back. The clothing runs to sim­ple, classic designs, as well as some batiked and tie-dyed stuff. Other highlights include cotton-lycra undies and bodysuits, night­gowns, recycled rubber belts, and tall leather boots made for wide calves. Sizing varies from item to item, but the range seems to be (in inch measurements) from 40″B, 33″W, 45″H, up to 73″B, 67”W, 77″H, with some larger sizes available on request. On the downside, they’re a little pricey. Dresses $120-135, tops $68-98, pants $48-75, jack­ets $90-236, skirts $60, boots $139-225, all Canadian dollars, presumably, and I don’t know what the exchange rate is like. [S]

[image description: A small ad. Text says: “Making It Big. Natural Fiber Clothing for Large and Supersize Women 9595 Main Street Penngrove, CA 94951 Store hours: 10 am – 5:30 p.m. Monday-Saturday 12-5 pm Sunday  (707} 795-6861]
[image description: an ad for Good Vibrations, with a mod drawing of a femme pleasuring herself. Text says: “GOOD VIBRATIONS – Vibrators, dildos, lubes, massage oils, feathers, zines, restraints, harnesses, anal toys, art books, comix, informational books, vid­eos, dental dams, latex gloves, safe sex info, porn & smut. .. 1210 Valencia (at 23rd St.), San Francisco, CA 94110. Open 11 – 7, 7 days a week. (415) 974-8980”]
[image description: A display ad: A dark, mysterious-looking photograph of a fat person from behind, their torso shaped like an hourglass by a tightly laced white corset, the back of their hand rests on their hip.Text reads: “Bertha Custom corsets and fantasy attire 510-428-4917”]

FSA Plus Woman 
60 Laurel Haven 
Fairview, NC 28730 
1-800-628-5 525
Catalog cover price $1.
A variety of mostly casual clothes in poly/­cotton knits and rayon prints. Simple, ordi­nary, middle-of-the-road clothes on cute fat models. Not particularly inexpensive. Sizes: from ‘L'(36B, 28W, 38H) up to ‘8X'(66B, 64W, 74H). Prices: tops from $29-79, pants $35-67, dresses $82-99, skirts $48-79. [S]

Gypsy Moon 
1780 Massachusetts Ave 
Cambridge, MA 02140 
Telephone: (617) 876-7095 
Mail Order 1-800-955-GYPSY 
Customer Service (617) 876-6203 
If, like me, you wish it was easier to find out­landish, dramatic, fantastic clothes in large sizes, you’ll like this catalog. It’s a small-size catalog that has recently expanded its sizing to include some of us fat girls in their new ‘abundant’ size. When I sent them a letter requesting their large-size catalog, they sent me a nice letter along with the catalog talking about their new size line and asking for sug­gestions and advice about expanding and refining it. They have soft, flowy, fairy clothes in gauzes and velvets. Fantasy clothes. Unfortunately, rather than having photographs of their clothes, their catalog is filled with drawings of elves and fairy-tale folk wearing the designs. I call it unfortunate because I find it hard to get a really good idea of what clothes look like from a drawing. I do lust after some of these clothes, though, so I’ll be saving up, because prices are high. Sizes: according to Gypsy Moon, their size Large will fit up to a size 18 or 20, and their one ‘bountiful’ size fits 22-26. Prices: tops from $38 for a tank top to $180 for a silk-velvet blouse, skirts $68-$240, pants $38-$110, dresses $120-160. [S]

H.L.S. Belts
4757 W.Park #106-410 
Plano, TX 75093 
One page full of belts, all $19.99. They are out of the plain black leather kind, what they have are stretchy gold and silver belts, bead belts, colorful braided belts and the like. Some of the belts come in sizes from 40 inches to 48 inches. It’s hard to say about the others-sizes are listed as ‘plus sizes; one size fits all’. [S]

JW Ramage 
1007 Oak Hill Road, Suite B 
Lafayette, CA 94549-3805 
Nightlines Plus has changed its name to JW Ramage, and added more day clothes to its selection. The prices range from moderate to high. The sizes range from A (42″ bust) to G (84″ bust), but a lot of the items don’t come in the full range of sizes. I’d like to see the models in a wider range of sizes too, but the clothes look good and the company is run by a woman named Jill Ramage, whose round and smiling face appears on page 2. [LA] 

The Right Touch 
95-60 Queens Blvd., Suite 205
Rego Park NY 11374 
‘Elegant fashion accessories for sizes 16 and up’
Mostly big, dramatic gold-tone and rhine­stone jewelry. Some interesting, unusual items. Long necklaces, big bracelets and watchbands. Also lots of pins and earrings (which as far as I know don’t need to come in large sizes), and a number of belts which don’t come very big at all-some only come as long as 39 inches, and no belt comes longer than 46 inches without a special order, costing $15 extra. [S]

The Vermont Country Store Catalog 
(802) 362-2400
A surprising source for clothes–they pride themselves on being New England Old-time-y and sell home furnishings, gad­gets, food, personal care and cleaning prod­ucts as well as clothes. They would be a good source for the flannel pajamas. They also have clothes in which I would not be caught dead. My cats highly recommend the “Real Catnip in Linen Bags.” [LA] 

Wintersilks sells silk underwear. They advo­cate wearing silk to keep warm, but it’s good for keeping cool, especially if you are daring enough to wear this slightly transparent fab­ric all by itself. It is a pleasure to wear, almost as good as going naked. The unisex 2X shirts are the largest they have and fit my 50″ bust just fine. If they made a bra out of this stuff, I think it would change my life, or at least my attitude about bras. They don’t have any­thing that fits my bottom, though. [LA] 

Do you know about a fantastic source of fat girls’ clothing that you’d like to share with other fat dykes? Write about it and send it our way, or just send us the catalog and we’ll take care of the rest. FaT GiRL, 2215-R Market St., #193, San Francisco, CA 94114.