Title (as given to the record by the creator): Size Queen
Date(s) of creation: June 2005
Creator / author / publisher: Max Airborne and Cherry Midnight
Physical description: 56 page, 8.5”x11” zine printed in color.
Reference #: SizeQueen
Links: [ PDF ] [Transcripts with image descriptions]
Size Queen Pages
- Size Queen Cover
- Fat Fairy Godmother
- Size Queen’s Full of it
- Why Size Queen?
- Something for Everyone!
- Take Me for a Ride, Christine lanieri reviews Venus of Chalk, the latest novel by Susan Stinson
- Fat Attitudes
- The Face of a Fat Girl: My Path into Sex Work
- I Am Not An Activist
- Shoot Me!
- This is What Fifty Looks Like
- Torocoyori
- Movement
- Fat Farm: Memories of Six East
- If a bear’s in the woods, and no one else is, does he make a sound?
- Prima Donna
- Dainty Does Ballet
- Post-Surgery = Post-Community?
- Pariah, the bleeding edge fat fashion column
- To Cut is to Heal
- It Takes a Real Butch to Admit What She Really Wants
- Jukie & Papi D
- Peach Meat
- You Can’t Say That!
- Contributor Bios
- Size Queen Collector Cards