Title (as given to the record by the creator): FaT GiRL #4
Date(s) of creation: October, 1995
Creator / author / publisher: FaT GiRL
Physical description: 72 page, 8.5”x11” zine with several pages removed. Printed in black and white with purple on the cover.
Reference #: FG4-ALL
Links: [ PDF ] [Transcripts with image descriptions]
FaT GiRL #4 Pages
- FaT GiRL #4 Cover
- Comic: Fat Dyke Action
- FaT GiRL #4 is…
- Letters
- Editorial (Happy Birthday!)
- The Sa/Me Debate
- Joanne
- You Are Cordially Invited to Join The Kitchen Slut for Dessert
- Wet Hibiscus
- Outrageous or Courageous?
- Southern Hospitality…and Northern Exposure
- You’re Crazy, Your Life’s Outta Control, & You Should Go To Weight Watchers
- Review: Martha Moody
- A Fat, Vulgar, Angry Slut
- Fat & Healthy
- Poetry: arms bigger than, first date
- Story: Arrival
- Potty Training
- Confessions of a Fat Sex Worker
- Laura Antoniou’s Some Women: a brief report of my favorite essay
- Comic: True Tales from Life in the Fat Lane, Part II: The Family
- The Fat Lady Emerges and Takes Aim
- Report from the Front
- Survey: What do you want from your non-fat allies?
- FaT GiRL Roundtable: Class/Conscious
- Bo & Chrystos
- Poetry: Goddess
- Poetry: Touch Mirror
- Advice: Ask the Gear Queen
- Stories: Washing Up
- Barbarism in the Cemetery
- Survey: What’s Sexy About Fat Women?
- Write On: the lip service update
- Fat Watch
- Photography: Lanetta
- Resources
- Cuntributors
- Personals
- Back Cover FaT GiRL #4