Tag: art

FaT GiRL Paper Dolls

The Kitchen Slut and El Oso. By Mary Anderson

FaT GiRL #6, August, 1996

I Don’t Wanna Be (a Barbie)

Art by Estibaliz Sadaba

FaT GiRL #6, August, 1996

Freddie Baer collages

Two collages by Freddie Baer.

Fat Fairy Godmother

by Alison Nowak

Fat Attitudes

review and photo by Tina Arroyo 

Dainty Does Ballet

Art by Allyson Mitchell.

Drawings by Megaera

Charcoal nudes by Australian artist Megaera.

FaT GiRL #2, February, 1995

Poem by Osa Shade

Poetry by Osa Shade