Title (as given to the record by the creator): On Your Knees
Date(s) of creation: Issue 5: April 1996
Creator / author / publisher: Margo Mercedes Rivera, FaT GiRL
Physical description: Plain text. A poem with four stanzas. The first letter of the poem, an O, has a font size larger than the remaining text.
Reference #: FG5-043
Links: [ PDF ]
On your knees
you gaze upwards as you rub and caress me
nuzzle my hardness
then swallow me whole.
Then you flip this butch
your fingers plucking my nipples
your big fem hand stuffed right through me
each knuckle an earthquake
as you pump it into me.
When you rip it out
you suck out everything
leaving such a tortured emptiness
I wail and howl my madness
until you pound me full again
and I belly-laugh with such glee
that tears cut down my face once more.
You play me for all I’m worth
leave me wet
crumpled in a heap
in your arms.
by Margo Mercedes Rivera
FaT GiRL #5 Pages
- FaT GiRL #5 Front Cover
- Editorial
- FaT GiRL #5 Contents
- Fat Girl Letters
- Oso’s First Official FaT GiRL Word Find
- Botero and Us
- Actions: Avengers Eat Out
- Max’s Rant
- Sexuality Roundtable
- Survey: How does being fat affect your sexuality?
- The Trick
- Poetry: Posturing
- Poetry: Clean Satisfaction
- Blind Alleys
- Drawings by Megaera
- Stories: Worshipping
- Story
- Stories: Lesson #1
- Poetry: On Your Knees
- Survey: How have your lovers responded to your body size?
- No One’s Getting Fat Except Mama Cass
- Story: Untitled
- Review: The Invisible Woman
- The Kitchen Slut presents: Sweets for the Salty
- Health Report: Sleep Apnea
- Ads
- Survey: What do you do to promote positive feelings about your body?
- Poetry: Romancing the Bones
- Poetry: Outcast Dykes
- Resources
- Contributors
- Personals
- Go for a ride with FaT GiRL
- FaT GiRL #5 Back Cover