Title (as given to the record by the creator): Three Inches
Date(s) of creation: June 1995
Creator / author / publisher: Syndee Branton, Fat Girl
Physical description: Part of a zine page with text in black and white.
Reference #: FG3-009-Poem
Links: [ PDF ]
Three Inches
syndee branton 1995
three inches and life will be better, new worlds will open up for the taking
three inches and the fucking voice in the back of my mind might shut up
three inches and I’ll be sexy, attract lovers, a full-blown sexual threat
three inches and I can dress for success, climb the corporate ladder,
be everything I’m supposed to be
three inches and I can swallow this lie again and believe it
They call it dying by inches
I do it all the time
FaT GiRL #3 Pages
- FaT GiRL #3 Cover
- Fat Girl #3 is…
- Letters
- Things to Do on a Rainy Day
- Lip Service?
- Editorial
- Fat and Healthy
- The Lesbian Health Guide, a review (mostly)
- Poetry: Three Inches
- Difficult Seductress! Dorothy Allison
- April Miller, Torchsinger
- An Interesting Discovery
- Crystal, Wild Pig of the Desert
- Fat Girls on the Big Island
- No Apologies
- Cowrie review
- Women I’d Like to Meet
- Who’s Fat Anyway? The Other Side of Fat
- Fat & Thin Together
- Fat Girls
- Big Fun
- Survey: What do you dislike about being FAT? What do you like about being Fat?
- Roundtable 3: Racism and Fat Hatred
- Comic: True Tales from Life in the Fat Lane
- Tips For Dating Fat Girls [Ask the Gear Queen]
- Val and Steph
- Breast Plates
- The Kitchen Slut Presents: Breakfast in Bed
- The Adventures of FAT CHICK
- FaT GiRL Sightings
- A word to our “concerned” sisters
- fat, fucked up & fucked over
- Amazon
- Fat Watch
- Comic: Fat Girl Fantasy #66
- Resources
- The ever-growing bio page
- Personals and Classifieds
- Fat hatred won’t die by itself. It needs help from you.
- FaT GiRL #3 Back Cover