Title: Warning
Date(s) of creation: February 1995
Creator / author / publisher: Body Image Task Force, FaT GiRL
Physical description: A box in the lower left corner of a zine page.
Reference #: FG2-054-warning
Links: [ PDF ]

[image description: Text in a box: WARNING: Dieting has been shown to lead to anxiety, depression, lethargy, lowered self-esteem, decreased attention span, weakness, high blood pressure, hair loss, gall-bladder disease, gall stones, heart disease, ulcers, constipation, anemia, dry skin, skin rashes, dizziness, reduced sex drive, menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, gout, infertility, kidney stones, numbness in the legs, weight gain, compulsive eating, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, reduced resistance to infection, lowered exercise tolerance, electrolyte imbalance, bone loss, osteoporosis, and death.
—Body Image Task Force offers this statement on a sticker! For a sheet of 7 stickers, send $1 with a SASE to: PO Box 934, Santa Cruz, CA 95061]
FaT GiRL 2 Pages
- FaT GiRL #2 Cover
- Comics: Chainsaw
- Fat GiRL #2 is…
- Letters: From the FaT GiRL Mailbox
- Issue Survey – How do you feel the dyke community treats you as a fat dyke?
- Fat Watch
- Stories: Lies I Choose Not to Believe
- FaT GiRL Roundtable #2: Age and Fat
- Poem by Osa Shade
- Actions: Fool the Diet Industry!
- Advice: Ask the Gear Queen
- Recipes from the Kitchen Slut
- 4 Big Girls: Around the Table Review
- Stories: Crossed Paths
- Bend Over!!!
- Poem: i wanna see more ladies flauntin’ it / Photos from MuffDive
- Review: Women En Large: Images of Fat Nudes
- Dinner with April
- The Adventures of Super Slut, #1
- Rant: Is Radical Lesbian Feminism the Only Radical Approach?
- Helpful Hint #9: Enfatten your friends
- More on Apricot Hankies
- Issue Survey: Have you had negative experiences in the dyke community about your body size?
- Selena
- The Fat Truth
- Poetry: The Frigidaire Queen
- Review: The Most Massive Woman Wins
- Review: Fat Girl Dances With Rocks
- Butch Baiting
- Comic: Fat Girl Fantasy #57
- Warning
- Fat Action: A Cunt for a Cunt
- Eat This, Cosmo!
- Issue Survey – Have you had positive experiences in the dyke community about your body size?
- Betty
- Advice: Hey Fat Chick!
- The Adventures of Super Slut, #2
- Resources
- Armchair Shopping
- Fu